Wednesday, December 14, 2011

                              December 24th
                 Ordinary night
                 turned extraordinary
                 by a Baby’s birth

A decree went forth
taxes needed to be paid
families counted
a long journey and
heavy with child on donkey’s
back to a strange place
“No room here!” was heard
a cave was offered among
animals and straw
a Savior was born
a birth announced by angels
and missed by the world

Merry Christmas to my family, friends, and followers!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

This time of year we are all reminded to be thankful and I am; but I want gratefulness to be a lifestyle, not just once-a-year thing. I am truly grateful for my family and friends.  I am also grateful for God's faithfulness and...

The Second Cross

Stately, straight and tall
in a forest of green
boughs lifted skyward
cut down, chosen for a task
stained with divine blood
to give me amazing love.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Creeping earthbound worm
morphed into wings of beauty
with freedom to soar

                                         -Margaret Slabach

Friday, August 19, 2011

Here are some I wrote last summer

On Freezing Corn

Corn corn and more corn
rows of moist, golden kernels
frozen for winter.


Sun kissing my face
eyes closed, the wind running its
fingers through my hair.

The Lake

Tiny diamonds dance
in joyful abandonment
playing on ripples.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011





pulling back









Fingers touching


Hearts entwine


Friday, July 1, 2011

July 4, 2011

You know freedom is a very precious thing and coveted by so many around the world.  We are so blessed (in the USA) to be able to celebrate our countrys birthday of freedom this weekend.  Many sacrificed their lives to ensure our freedom.

But there is an even greater, more precious freedom available to everyone, regardless if they live in a free country or not- that freedom is found at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.  That freedom too cost a life and if embraced frees us of the emotional baggage in our life.

So celebrate with me this weekend, not only our countrys freedom but also our personal freedom.

Scripture affirms this-

Ps. 116:6b    …You have freed me from my chains

Gal. 5:1(Phillips)   Plant your feet firmly therefore within the freedom that Christ has won for us, and do not let yourselves be caught again in the shackles of slavery.

Luke 4:18  Jesus says that He was sent to proclaim that captives will be released,  that the blind will see,  that the oppressed will be set free,

The following haiku are similar but they express the celebration of my freedom.  Will you join me?

Dancing with broken
chains, limbs no longer hobbled
liberated life

Heavy-hearted feet
released by a Redeemer
freed to dance again

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here are just a few things I have written in the last year:

Storm unexpected
lashing, tearing at my soul
God IS my shelter

MY way of thinking
clinging to it like an old toy
tug-of-war ensues.


Comfortable     familiar

clinging     clutching     fearing

Not wanting to break free


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trusting enough to
lift my eyes to Yours
exposing my soul.

I lift up my eyes to You, to You whose throne is in heaven.  Ps. 123:1

My Father God is inviting me to lift my eyes and look into His.  Will I accept the invitation?  Accepting requires something from me.  When I look into someone’s eyes, it requires a degree of trust; I need to feel secure.  If eyes are the "gateway to the soul”, then whoever I allow to look into my eyes will see ME- into the depth of my soul- who I am.  Do I really want to allow that deep a look?  If I keep my eyes averted, I am denying Him access to me but I also do not see His tender look of love for me, His precious daughter.  Will I accept His invitation?  Will I believe His word that promises no condemnation?  It is my choice!  But I sense His waiting, his longing, for me to accept.