Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trusting enough to
lift my eyes to Yours
exposing my soul.

I lift up my eyes to You, to You whose throne is in heaven.  Ps. 123:1

My Father God is inviting me to lift my eyes and look into His.  Will I accept the invitation?  Accepting requires something from me.  When I look into someone’s eyes, it requires a degree of trust; I need to feel secure.  If eyes are the "gateway to the soul”, then whoever I allow to look into my eyes will see ME- into the depth of my soul- who I am.  Do I really want to allow that deep a look?  If I keep my eyes averted, I am denying Him access to me but I also do not see His tender look of love for me, His precious daughter.  Will I accept His invitation?  Will I believe His word that promises no condemnation?  It is my choice!  But I sense His waiting, his longing, for me to accept.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Journey Begins

Around the bend an
uncharted journey beckons
my exploration
(written 5.1.2011)

Here I stand on the brink of a mysterious journey, with a small cheering section behind me.  This journey is unexpected and I hesitate as I take the first step.  But my foot is now firmly planted in that step and I await to see where I will go and what I will see.

About a year ago, I went to a half day retreat.  Part of the retreat involved creativity- the clay went ok but having to write poetry- give me a break- havent done that since high school English class a LONG time ago.  I sat there petrified for a few moments, then gritting my teeth, I decided Id give it a try; what did I have to lose.  Half the battle was won when I made the decision to go from I cannot do this to I will try this”.  The results werent too bad.  Ok -I did that; end of day.

I really didnt give poetry anymore thought after that.  Within a few days, haiku (a Japanese-style poetry consisting of 17 syllables-5-7-5) started surfacing at the oddest moments.  Id go around counting on my fingers and composing emotions and thoughts.  Then came the day when I had a moment of bravery and shared some with two close friends.  That set something in motion that hasnt stopped since.

After taking a writing course with WPPI University, (http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/?af=1334404), I was encouraged to try blogging my haikume blog?? now that is a strange thought!!  However, as the days passed, I started thinking, why not try and see what happens.

So here is the first step of my venture.  I will simply share the haiku that God has given me; and maybe at times thoughts to go along with them.

My haiku come mostly out of my life experiences and how Ive felt in them.  Some of them are in response to others pain.  Of course there are those just for fun.

I pray that in some small way the simple 17 syllables will enrich, encourage or even bring a measure of healing to your life.

Your friend for the journey.

PS:  in case you wonder about the word burble- it means to bubble or a bubbling or gentle flow.