Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow... Is. 1:18
...Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Ps. 51:7
As I ponder the above verses, snow is lazily falling, blanketing the earth and I wonder how anything can be whiter than this freshly fallen snow? Yet, Isaiah and the Psalmist attest to the fact that when God cleanses us, washes away our sins, our hearts will be even whiter than this fresh snow– no trace of ugliness. Isaiah says our sins are the color of scarlet, not black. I wondered about that. Matthew Henry, in his commentary, says that scarlet is a deep dye and the cloth needs to soaked a long time. So, Isaiah must be assuring us that even if we are steeped in sin, if we go to God and repent, God can and will cleanse us so much so that not even a trace of the scarlet dye remains. What a promise and a relief that I don’t have to be stuck with my sins.
Don’t know about you, but I think that is something to get excited about! Anyone need some cleansing? Don’t be afraid to go to Him and have Him wash you clean; He’s waiting.
Whiter than fresh snow
are sins forgiven and cleansed
remembered no more
-Margaret Slabach