Sunday, November 24, 2013

Freely We Give

Freely We Give
Written by Kandi Sinay

Find the simplicity in Our love.
You don't have to do works
To receive from above.
Freely you take, freely We give,
It comes without cost,
Our love frees you to live.
Most think there's a price
That they have to pay
To receive all Our love
We give freely each day.
They don't understand
That We had a plan
For every man, woman & child.
I became man,
God from above
Sent down to the earth,
To save every person
Through a miracle birth.
I came as a baby
and lived as a man,
Wanting each person to know
That I understand.
I know how you've suffered,
Felt lost and confused,
Broken and beaten and sometimes abused.
I've felt every sorrow,
I've felt every pain,
I've been right beside you
When you called My name.
Though you can't see Me,
I'm always there,
My love I give freely
To show you I care.
Father, Son & Holy Ghost,
Together We want you
To feel loved the most.
So please understand
There's no price to pay,
I paid it on Calvary
Long ago on that day.
Come, let Us love you
The way We know how.
Just open your heart
And call "Jesus" right now.
Our love We'll give freely,
It won't cost you a thing!
Just know that We love you
Unending love We bring.

I am posting this poem written by my friend, Kandi Sinay, during a poetry challenge this past month.  I hope you internalize her message. #ThreadsofHope