Monday, January 2, 2012

2012… anew year… I wonder what adventure waits us?  Only God know… and since He’s already been there, that should be a source of peace, knowing He has it all under control. 

This new day, this new year holds so much possibility.  I pray you       cooperate with Him as He inscribes on the new pages of this new year  of your life.

Below are 2 haiku that I wrote reflecting these thoughts:

New Year, a fresh start
God has been there
no need for unease.

A new day, a fresh page
waiting for inscription
for revelation.

1 comment:

  1. Such comfort in reading this Margaret, we know God knows, but we need to remember that, thank you for the lovely reminder. I can always use that kind of sweet reminder :)
    Kathryn Bonner
