Sunday, December 22, 2013

 Born in simple stall
announced by angelic choir
worshiped by shepherds
birth unnoticed born to bring
us His peace, hope and freedom

Merry Christmas!!!
Have a blessed New Year

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A man with leprosy came and knelt before Jesus and said, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out and touched him saying, “I am willing” (Matt 8:1-4)

My heart collided with those four simple words…”IF You are willing…”  How many times have I asked those same words in my most secret place, not even able to verbalize it most of the time.  I KNOW God is willing to do it for others, but ME;  if- that small word that holds so many feelings in its two letters.  Am I worth it?  Would You do it for me?  Am I good enough to be noticed?  Or am I too messed up?  Am I even important enough?

In biblical times, leprosy caused one to be an outcast, alone, unwanted, unclean.  For us, leprosy might represent our sin, our brokenness, our messed up lives.

So will I come like this boldly fearing leper and kneel at the feet of my Father, asking, “IF you are willing, You can clean me up” or will I let the crowds, the “friends”, yelling “unclean” intimidate me, keeping me away.  Will the fear of a “no” answer keep me an outcast?

So often I have asked, “IF You are willing…” expecting a “no” answer because of the way I see myself.  I wonder if this leper was scared to death to ask or was he desperate enough because he had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

He asked and Jesus reached out and touched him- touched him knowing that leprosy is highly contagious.  Oh how we long for such a touch, someone willing to touch our messy, contagious places.  The touch of love and then to hear, “I am willing!”  His heart must have missed a few beats at hearing those precious words, “I am willing”.

I wonder if we were still long enough if we’d hear the same words, “I am willing”.  We get noisy rehearsing why we are not worthy, why we don’t deserve His attention, let alone His touch.  We are noisy… because we are afraid…

Will you join me on my knees in front of Jesus… quietly listening?  Do you hear the gentle voice, “I am willing!  I am willing to clean you up”!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Freely We Give

Freely We Give
Written by Kandi Sinay

Find the simplicity in Our love.
You don't have to do works
To receive from above.
Freely you take, freely We give,
It comes without cost,
Our love frees you to live.
Most think there's a price
That they have to pay
To receive all Our love
We give freely each day.
They don't understand
That We had a plan
For every man, woman & child.
I became man,
God from above
Sent down to the earth,
To save every person
Through a miracle birth.
I came as a baby
and lived as a man,
Wanting each person to know
That I understand.
I know how you've suffered,
Felt lost and confused,
Broken and beaten and sometimes abused.
I've felt every sorrow,
I've felt every pain,
I've been right beside you
When you called My name.
Though you can't see Me,
I'm always there,
My love I give freely
To show you I care.
Father, Son & Holy Ghost,
Together We want you
To feel loved the most.
So please understand
There's no price to pay,
I paid it on Calvary
Long ago on that day.
Come, let Us love you
The way We know how.
Just open your heart
And call "Jesus" right now.
Our love We'll give freely,
It won't cost you a thing!
Just know that We love you
Unending love We bring.

I am posting this poem written by my friend, Kandi Sinay, during a poetry challenge this past month.  I hope you internalize her message. #ThreadsofHope

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Heart’s door locked within
Holding the key to freedom…
Will I insert it?

The prison cell is locked.  You stand holding the key- trying to decide if you’ll insert it.  You know it’s the key to freedom but…. Freedom is risky.  Maybe it would be better to stay in the cell, at least you know what to expect, even though you are miserable.

God stands outside, longing for you to open the door, to invite Him in, to make space for Him.  He won’t force it but He invites you to trust Him.  He understands how hard that is.  BUT IT IS YOUR CHOICE.

Yes, opening that door is risky.  But will you join me in choosing to believe that inserting the key will bring a life  we’ve only dreamed of…. that it will bring a love we have  craved?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I can almost see it.  The word spreads quickly through the city.  Her world is being shaken by an unforeseen storm.  What will she do?

Quietly, as though not to disturb the holy moment, everyone hurries to their feet and peers over the cloudy edge… watching…holding their breath… waiting to see what she will do.

Slowly, as with one voice, under their breath, they start to implore, “Come on, you can do it.  Come on, you CAN do it” repeatedly.  As the storm lashes on, the chant becomes louder until it becomes very audible… wanting her to hold on… to trust the Son who has been holding her in His hands.

She doesn’t see it; she doesn’t feel it; she doesn’t hear it.  She must just trust …. as heaven stands…… waiting….

The following was inspired by Your Hands by JJ Heller